Antidote to Discouragement

Three years ago, almost to the day during Christmas week, a car took an illegal left turn out of a small shopping center, cut across several lanes of traffic with no visibility, and hit a car that set off a multi-car accident. I had been sitting at a light and was one of the cars hit, causing much damage and injury. Two days ago, I was once again sitting in my lane at a light, not moving, and another driver inexplicably hit me. This driver left the scene of the accident, even though he saw me desperately trying to get him to motion him over.

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Casey Hawley
A Different Kind of Christmas

When a tradition I have held dear for decades just sort of fades away, it always makes me sad. I even still wish we could gather at my grandmother’s house to celebrate with all of my aunts and uncles, all of whom are in Heaven now. Few of their children live in that rural North Georgia community and are rightly spending Christmas with their own grands now. Still, I miss them.

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Casey Hawley
When the Lord Shows Up Part I: Isaiah

I love to read about moments in the Bible when the Lord shows up. It is a wonder and a joy. It is terrifying and beyond exciting. No writer can begin to describe the power and the glory and the brilliance of the moment, but He has imprinted on my heart today a message about these moments.

Earthly appearances by a Heavenly God have some things in common throughout the Bible, but because God deals with each of His children uniquely, there are also dramatic differences.

Take, for example Isaiah. Let your mind and heart take in the spectacular sight when God manifested Himself to Isaiah:

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Casey Hawley
The Peace of the Lord

I am praying God’s peace for you today. Whatever concerns you- your children, our nation, finances, health, anything- God’s peace abundantly and completely covers that need. His peace does not just barely cover it, but covers it luxuriously, deeply, and thoroughly. His peace is not stretched thin but is layer upon layer of mercy, grace, and tenderness for you, heaped up and overflowing. Put that concern under His dominion and let Him be your refuge from it. He is well able to take care of it now, tomorrow, and for the rest of your future.

Are you feeling as if you can’t quite get there right now to have God’s peace? I love this verse for you:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

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Rewards in Heaven, Part One

I have avoided the topic of rewards as much as possible in my blogs because we love Him for Who He is and not for promised future rewards. Our heartfelt love overflows when we think of His compassion, tenderness, and His willing submission to lay down His life for us on the cruel cross. We need nothing beyond that to desire to serve the Son of Man whom we love with all our hearts.

But lately, the Holy Spirit has put in front of me Scripture after Scripture encouraging Christians that their future includes rewards for using their lives to serve Him.

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The Trade

“My yoke is easy and my burden light.”                                                                                                                      

I asked the Lord, “How can that be?           

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Casey Hawley
Immanuel! God with Us

Immanuel, God with us

Our God is unique in that He is not distant as on Mount Olympus or on a throne we cannot access. He is with us—all the time, everywhere we go, whether we acknowledge Him or not. He is constant even if we are not.

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Beholding the Word of God

When I approach the Bible, I am profoundly aware that this is truly the Word of God. I am overpowered with the sense that God Himself is in the living, breathing words in front of me. He lives there. He breathed life into those words. He inspired the prophets, disciples, and others who penned them to transcribe His thoughts, His love, His commands, and His plans for us. He called His Son “the Word” in John 1:14:

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son[d] from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

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What if?

I have mentioned before that one of my favorite devotionals of all time is Oswald Chambers’ “What My Obedience to God Costs Other People.” I find comfort in hearing another struggling servant acknowledging that it is often far harder to watch our families, friends, and others suffer than it is to suffer ourselves. They may suffer the loss of our time, the loss of respect from others who think Christians are strange, or a number of other losses.

We don’t want to hurt people by speaking the truth in love.

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Confronting Sinners God’s Way

A young Christian I admire very much sent me the attached article summarizing how a local pastor has been gradually distancing himself from parts of the Bible. This young woman is in the trenches every day engaging her peers in discussion on Who Jesus is, why she believes, and how much God loves them and wants to embrace them. It can be a lonely and unpopular stance for her generation.

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God's Division

God is so unlike us that we cannot even comprehend His goodness. He just does not think about things as we do. The way He looks at people, situations, and even tragedy comes from such a different place that we sometimes can’t see it at first. Take division. When God divides, it is always, always for our good. When man divides, it is almost always hurtful and comes from a self-interested place.

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Knowing God by Name – The Lord, Jesus Christ

I learned a lesson on living out my faith today from Javier Castellano. Castellano is the jockey who rode a small, inexperienced horse to finish first at the 149th Kentucky Derby. No one expected this jockey on this horse to finish first, but they did. Before Castellano even dismounted or got his breath, a reporter was in his face with a microphone asking for a statement. His first words were, “I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ…”

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Prayer for a Young Adult

Oh, that he would know how wide and deep and high the love of the Christ is for him,                                         At all times, in every circumstance, and in every condition of his heart; That the love of Jesus would root him, ground him, and establish him;                

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