

Why did I choose the name “EVERYDAY TRUTH” for the blog portion of my websitE?

Because it points the way to the Bible and will hold up— every day, come what may. And because it is simple and not scholarly- these are truths that are like your favorite everyday clothes. You prefer them to more embellished items. They wear well and have proven reliable.


Casey Hawley built a career speaking and writing about communication for people in business. A list of her secular books is at the end of this section. Most of her clients were Fortune 100 clients such as Southern Company, Wells Fargo, Cox Communications, and Georgia Pacific. She taught business communication to undergrads and grad students at Georgia State University, and was on the faculty there until 2017.

Throughout Casey’s career, she volunteered her writing and speaking services to her church (Church of the Apostles, Atlanta) and other Christian nonprofits. In 20017, Casey decided to downsize her secular business and devote more time to sharing the Word of God in any way the Lord might direct her. This blog is the result of that decision. She is guided as she writes by 2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” KJV

Casey, a single mom, has an adult son. You can tell from her blogs that his humor, insights, and deep knowledge of the Scriptures are valued influences on her writing. He is an industrial real estate professional and a graduate of UNC. She would write more about him, but that would not be his first choice.

And Casey chose the picture above because her favorite thing to do is to go to the beach!

Christian books by Casey Hawley:

Adventures in Christianity

The Foreigner (A Novel for Small Group Study)

Secular books by Casey Hawley:

Author of  Idiot’s Guide to People Skills (Alpha/Penguin, 2014). 100 Make or Break Career Moments: Navigate, Negotiate and Communicate for Success (Random House, 2010). Managing the Older Employee: Overcome the Generation Gap to Get the Most Out of Your Workplace Adams Media, 2009). 201 Ways to Turn Any Employee Into a Star Performer (McGraw Hill, 2004). Effective Letters for Every Occasion (Barron’s, 2000). 100+ Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions  (Barron’s, 2001).100+ Greatest Tactics in Office Politics  (Barron’s, 2001).  Loving and Living with Your Diabetic Spouse (Winepress, 2004).