A Different Kind of Christmas

When a tradition I have held dear for decades just sort of fades away, it always makes me sad. I even still wish we could gather at my grandmother’s house to celebrate with all of my aunts and uncles, all of whom are in Heaven now. Few of their children live in that rural North Georgia community and are rightly spending Christmas with their own grands now. Still, I miss them.

Holding dear what used to be can be a sweet tribute to parents and friends, but I can take it too far. I can make tradition an idol of my heart. The Lord has convicted me of that today, and I am wondering if anyone else is having trouble letting go of something in this season of holding things close?

I have just come from having the most delightful lunch with my son. He called and asked me to meet him for a spur of the moment lunch. The blessing of having a son like that is not lost on me. Yet satan got into my thoughts on the drive there. I thought of the decades we went to Phipps Plaza to see Santa. That tradition morphed through the years into lunch at our favorite restaurant at Phipps, a trip to the Museum Store, and a movie. First the store went out of business, then the restaurant we loved was no more, and we started catching a movie in the neighborhood. Gradually that tradition just faded away. If you asked me if I would trade what we have now, I really wouldn’t. I love these impromptu lunches, and my son is thoughtful to call me when an opportunity like today pops up. He takes me to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and does much, much more.

Still, the enemy had me focused on the few things I no longer have instead of the wonderful friends and family I do have. In the middle of my self-centered thoughts, I felt the Holy Spirit pointing out, “You are just like Eve!” It startled me, but immediately I could see how true it was. Eve could have had any tree in the Garden, but she wanted ALL the trees, including the one singular tree that was forbidden to her. She let her mind dwell on that one tree she did not have. She did not enjoy all the beautiful trees the Lord had gifted her with. She was given Paradise but made herself miserable letting her thoughts drift to the one thing she felt she was deprived of. I have been like that this week. We know it does not end well for anyone.

Then the Spirit brought Proverbs 14:1 to my mind:

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

That is what I was doing! God has given me so many wonderful friends and a very thoughtful son, but I was being destructive to my own happiness by thinking of what is no more.

But that is not even my worst offense. This is the season of our Lord’s birth. Christmas is all about Him! To my shame, I have made it all about me and my happiness.

When I think of all the joy His birth brought into the world and into my life, I realize I should be singing “Joy to the World” all day long. When I think of the costly gift of salvation He gave me, I see clearly a gift that gives me relief from sin and darkness every day of my life. The precious Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to the reality of my situation, a sinner saved by Grace and all its benefits.

This afternoon, I am praying for you and for me four things:

·         The heart of a servant to be more like my Savior this Christmas.

·         The voice of an angel to share the Good News.

·         The humility of a shepherd.

·         The mind of Christ to see my circumstances and others more the way He sees them.

I know I am not alone. Toby Mac sings a song called “Christmas Hits Different.” He lost his son in 2019, and he is thinking about him a lot this time of year. His response is to try to reach out to those who are suffering.  His lyrics show this desire to comfort:

This one goes out to the broken souls…I just want you to know…If Christmas hits different this year, you don’t have to smile, I know how you feel, if Christmas hits different this year.  I’ll be right here… O Come O, come Emmmanuel.

 There are many reasons you may be having a different sort of Christmas. I hope you know you are not alone. First and foremost, your Holy Spirit, your Comforter and Counselor, will never leave your side all season and beyond. Your Father goes in front of you into every situation you will face now and in the New Year:

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8.

And your Savior Jesus is interceding for you every day.

May God help you and keep your eyes where they should be in this season of His birth- on Jesus.

Note: Casey has written a booklet of short devotions for Christmas:

Four Gifts for Christmas: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room.   $5.00   Available on Amazon.


This booklet gives you comfort and aids you in having:

·         The heart of a servant to be more like our Savior this Christmas.

·         The voice of an angel to share the Good News.

·         The humility of a shepherd.

·         The mind of Christ to see circumstances and others more the way He sees them.

Casey Hawley