Knowing God by Name – The Lord, Jesus Christ

I learned a lesson on living out my faith today from Javier Castellano. Castellano is the jockey who rode a small, inexperienced horse to finish first at the 149th Kentucky Derby. No one expected this jockey on this horse to finish first, but they did. Before Castellano even dismounted or got his breath, a reporter was in his face with a microphone asking for a statement. His first words were, “I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ…”

Castellano is a veteran jockey and could have given a technical answer that would have impressed viewers with his technique and knowledge, but he knew Who gave him the victory and thanked Him first. In a sense, Castellano had been preparing for this moment all his life. He had ridden far better horses in the Kentucky Derby in his 16 previous attempts to win this coveted prize, yet he won with a longshot. He was ready with his answer as he unhesitatingly gave God all the credit.

I Peter 3:15 says:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

We never know when our moment will come to “give an answer” to someone’s question, challenge, or need.  We never know when an unexpected chance will come to give glory to God that will change one life or honor him in a way that could influence millions. I pray I will be ready as Javier was, that the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will spring to my lips, and that I will have the courage and the familiarity with that name so that no other words will tumble out first. I pray for you and for me that the name that is above all names will never be far from our lips and our thoughts as we go about our daily lives and meet or miss opportunities to lift up His name.