The Trade
“My yoke is easy and my burden light.”
I asked the Lord, “How can that be?
I feel the weight of so many things.
They’re all so heavy, it seems to me.
“Take my yoke upon you,
And rest your weary soul.”
“A yoke, Lord? That sounds difficult.
I fear what will unfold.”
“I’ll never leave you nor forsake you, child.
Trust me with your tomorrow.
I’ll give you peace the world can’t give.
I’ll give you joy for sorrow.”
So I unclenched my fingers
that held my burden tight,
and I gave up to Him my will
and the way I thought was right.
And when I awoke, the heaviness was gone.
Light filled my heart like the rays of dawn.
I fell down and thanked Him for the trade we had made,
and for my weight of debt He had fully paid.
“This day is not mine, Lord, for my will or my direction.
You came to take it all away through your blessed Resurrection. Beauty for ashes. Darkness for light.
Only you, Holy Spirit, could make my heart right.
When another day of strain I could barely face,
You took up all my pain, and now there’s only Grace.
Casey Hawley