Get wisdom!

Get wisdom, get understanding;
    do not forget my words or turn away from them.
  Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
    love her, and she will watch over you.    Proverbs 4:5-6 NIV

I have just spent the most delightful hour with one of the wisest women I know. As I often do when we have one of these phone chats, I told my octogenarian friend at the beginning, “Wait, let me get a pen.” That is because the nuggets of wisdom she shares are ones I want to have with me for the rest of my life. More than that, I want to share them with younger women who may not have the blessing of being taught by this lovely lady. Here is a sampling from today’s conversation:

1.       And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. According to my friend, not everyone understands what Romans 8:28 is saying. The verse states that all things will work together for good. It does not say that each individual part of life will be good, just that He will work it together for good. It is like baking a cake. The chocolate is bitter; the flour is tasteless; the salt is too salty to eat by itself; and the sugar is too sweet to eat alone. When you work them together, they are delicious, but they are still not complete. A good cake must be baked and then let stand to cool. It is a process. Things will come into your life that are bitter or tasteless or salty, but the Master will work them into something pleasing and good.

2.       I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11. Studying the Bible is like buying groceries. When we learn verses in our quiet times, through sermons, or in Bible studies, we may not need them at that time. When we buy groceries, we buy some of everything. Some we put on the shelf to be used at a much later date. We pull them out when we need them and are glad we tucked them away there some time ago. Hiding the Word of God in our hearts is like that.

3.       So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17. My friend always prays Scripture when I ask her to pray. It inspires confidence as I know these prayers will be effective. She has also taught me a unique way to pray for my child. Every day, she prays a different attribute for her children. These include: Salvation (if needed), Mercy, Faithfulness, Love, Growth in Grace, Willingness and Ability to Work, Respect for Self, Authority,  and Others, Self-discipline, Prayerfulness, A Heart for Missions, Honesty and Integrity, Justice, Kindness, Generosity, Courage, Purity, Joy, Peace-loving, Self Control, A Servant’s Heart, Hope, Passion for God, Contentment, Perseverance, Responsibility, Faith, Compassion, and Humility. (I have put these on my calendar.)

I love my friend because she has all this wisdom yet does not take herself too seriously. That is a wonderful quality in a Christian. I told her I would give her credit in the blog, but she said, “Just tell them you heard this from someone who is really smart and really good-looking.”

No matter how old we are, we need to seek wisdom from those wiser or more experienced in the Christian walk than we are. God has blessed me with mentors like this. I learned under the teaching of a dedicated Bible teacher who taught at 6:45 every Tuesday morning for twenty years. What a sacrifice! She taught me how to raise a boy, something I was clueless about. Even now, we pass many a pleasant evening together talking about the unending mysteries and delights of the Bible, and I am still learning. At 88, she recently taught a course on Heaven in her senior community and opened hearts and minds to what the Word says about what happens in our next season. I want to be like that when I “grow up” in the Lord.

The first mentor God ever gave me was actually younger than I, but she had walked with the Lord for years and was the perfect teacher when I did not know anything about the Word of God or His ways. Several decades later, she is still mentoring me. I will say that the greatest value this Godly woman has had for me is as a role model. She lives a life poured out for God and submits every thought and action to Him. She loves the least of these and has invited criminals, mental patients, and prostitutes to come live in her home when they were trying to make a new start. Her trust in Him is so great that she does not worry over things most of us do. Like the other two women, she is delightful to be with, joyous, and lively. Who says wise women can’t be fun?

No matter your age, seek wisdom. The world is full of wise Christian women who can share their treasures with you, treasures accumulated over many years. If no one comes to mind for you to seek out, I urge you to broaden your lens. Your mentor or advisor may be younger, a resident in assisted living, a stranger you have seen in church across the aisle, or a relative you have not called in a long time. Break the ice and start a conversation. I am praying today for Godly women to come alongside you to enrich your walk. And if you are blessed as I am to have mentors, please tell them today that you value them and plan to pass their wisdom to the next generation. Maybe one day you or I will be someone’s wise woman.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Cherish her, and she will exalt you;
embrace her, and she will honor you. Proverbs 4:7-8 NIV

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