Can you believe it?

Could the Israelites ever have anticipated that God would pile up the waters of the Red Sea into walls to give them safe passage and to destroy their enemy, the Egyptian army?


Could Gideon ever have anticipated that breaking jars and blowing horns would be the weapons that would defeat the Midianites?


Could the widow of Zarephath ever have anticipated on the morning she prepared to bake her last handful of flour and tiny bit of oil and then die of starvation that when she gave that meal to Elijah that God would bless her and her entire household with food for many days to come?


Could powerful Naaman ever have believed that his deliverance from leprosy would not come from court doctors but from a recommendation from his wife’s servant, a slave and a captive?

Would you believe that YOUR deliverance from your present dilemma will be overcome in a way you could never imagine right now?

God does not take the short route. Just ask the Israelites. He takes us to the Promised Lands of our lives through routes that will strengthen us and bring Him glory. The long, hard routes God takes us on yield testimonies that strike fear in the hearts of His adversaries, confound our enemies, and win souls. 

There will be people who will see your hard journey and how God stayed with you every step of the way, and they will want that God in their lives. They will see how He held you fast and how you held fast to Him in the tumult, and they will grow a deep desire to hold fast to a Solid Rock like that also.

Do not despair if you see no way out of your present circumstance. God may have your back up against a wall as terrifying as the Red Sea so that all may see Him clear a path in a way that no one could have seen coming. He is not a business as usual God, but His last minute, unanticipated rescues draw great glory to Him and His unprecedented ways of blessing His children!

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