“My God in his steadfast love will meet me …”
I have had a small picture frame sitting empty on a table in my bedroom since I moved almost a year ago. It is almost the exact dimensions of a ruler, a size that begged to have a Bible verse inserted instead of a photograph. What a decision it has been to choose from all the wonderful verses which one would be the first one I would see every morning. This would be the verse that I would take a quick glance at every day as I entered the world and left the sanctuary of my home behind. I wanted a verse that would guide me and inform my speech, my thoughts, my reactions. I have lately been dwelling on the idea of looking at people and their words and actions through Jesus’ eyes, so I very much hoped to find a verse that would help me do that. When I read, “My God in his steadfast love will meet me,” I knew I had found my verse.
The idea that no matter what I encountered when I stepped over my threshold into the world that God would meet me there filled me with assurance and relief. If I encountered chaos, hostility, or temptation, God would already be there, waiting to meet me and help me. If I met an unsaved sinner, a weary fellow Christian, or someone who had just experienced a great grief, He would be there to walk through that meeting with me. If I felt inadequate, sad, or fearful, I would not be alone because God would be right there with me.
The entire verse is, “My God in his steadfast love will meet me; God will let me look in triumph on my enemies.” (Psalm 59:10) My greatest enemy attacks me through my mind and my wayward heart. The enemy He most needs to give me victory over is within, not without, so my emphasis has been on the first part of the verse.
In the place of steadfast, some versions speak of God’s lovingkindness or mercy or faithfulness. All of those are there for me every minute of my day, buoying me up when I start to falter and helping me exceed my strength by leaning on His.
The verse reminds me of a verse my friend tells me sustains her when she feels alone or overwhelmed by circumstances, Proverbs 6:22:
When you walk, they will lead you;
when you lie down, they will watch over you;
and when you awake, they will talk with you.
When my friend hears this verse in her mind, she hears it as:
When I walk, He will lead me;
when I lie down, He will watch over me;
and when I awake, He will talk with me.
Although this verse refers to God’s Word and commands as leading us and speaking to us, it is just as valid to think of it as God speaking directly to us and guiding us through our day, even in troubled times. My friend has been faithful to learn much Scripture. Through all the Words of God she has hidden in her heart, she can hear His voice speaking truth and comfort to her.
What about you? What beloved verse helps arm you for whatever you may face when you walk out your door every morning?