Gifts for Growing in 2022
2022 is off to a wonderful start thanks to the books, sermons, and insights given to me by many friends in the past weeks. When I looked at 2022 in December, it seemed blurry; I could not seem to grasp what God wanted from my year. But I want to share a few gifts of wisdom others have shared with me. I hope it will bless your 2022 as well.
The book Deeper by Dane Ortlund has been life-changing so far, and I am only on Chapter One! I have reread Chapter One over and over again, really soaking in what the author has to say. Ortlund’s premise is that we have “downsized the glory of Christ in our hearts,” and that is why we are stunted in our Christian growth. He compares Christians like me to Columbus, who was seeking India when he found America. Columbus had no concept of how big the world is, so when he bumped into America, he thought he had gone as far as he could go, when really, he was half way there. But he settled for America. America is wonderful, but there was so much more of the world to see and experience, and he never reached his highest goal.
This question hit me hard and is transforming my 2022 into a quest to know Jesus better:
“Have we been looking at a junior varsity, decaffeinated, one-dimensional Jesus of our own making, thinking we’re looking at the real Jesus?”
I have long believed I was not mining the “unsearchable riches of Christ” that are there for my taking in Jesus (Ephesians 3:8). Deeper is confirming that and urging me on to dive head first into all He has to offer me.
Another part of this gift is that my friend in North Carolina who gave me the book suggested we read it together and discuss it as we go. She is a voracious reader, so I thought it would go pretty quickly. Shortly after beginning the book, she called to tell me she could not get out of Chapter One because it was so rich and she was just staying in it. I had been having the same experience, but would have pushed myself to push on without her wisdom. In fact, Ortlund suggests this may happen and urges readers to go for soaking in the depths instead of rushing to finish.
Another friend gave me Daily with the King by Glyn Evans, and I am struck by how perfect every daily devotional turns out to be for me on any given day. Surely this man was guided by the Holy Spirit to write such strong truths decades ago that are freshly speaking into my life every day. My only problem with this beautifully written book with its strong Scriptural basis is that I often cannot stop at one and read on to the next day and the next!
I guess the theme of 2022 is “Go Slowly. Savor More, “ because I am being unusually blessed by a journal given to women by the Church of the Apostles. Their Women of the Word Ministry supports women in meditating on and memorizing Scripture. This year, we are taking one verse each week of Psalms 91, 92, and 96. By reading and repeating just one verse each week, it is planted deeply in my soul. The journal prompts me to talk to God about each verse. This is the mining for riches I had needed. And these chapters written thousands of years ago are on point for the Pandemic, political and cultural upheaval, and appreciating the glory of God right in the middle of it all.
Surprisingly, one of the most life-giving sermons I have heard in 2022 was at a funeral. Reverend Jody Stancil of Riverside Community Church of Cartersville, GA spoke at the funeral of one of the Godliest men I have ever known. I am sure it was at his direction that the sermon preached at this funeral just told the Gospel in several ways, over and over, in a clear picture of exactly what Christ has done for us and how inestimable is the privilege we have had to say yes. If any unsaved person were there, he or she could not have left without knowing there is a treasure there for the taking and that it is fragrant, extravagant, and bought at an unthinkable price. I am astounded and grateful for my salvation every day, but this sermon made it look as huge and extraordinary as it truly is. I can’t think of the last time I spent a full hour just dwelling on the magnificence of the gift of my salvation. It was time well spent.
And since that funeral, I have watched my friend Joyce shine with the peace of the Lord, though her grief is deep and she had just buried her second adult child in the last few years. Two days after the funeral she was at Wednesday evening prayer, showing her concern for what others were suffering and with her thoughts directed outward to the Body and not inward on herself. She is beautiful. She is what I want to grow to be.
Most of us do not make resolutions, but I do see God giving us Scriptures, sermons, and the examples and wisdom of Christ-centered friends to shape our years into the beautiful creations He wants them to be. I am praying that you are receiving His riches today through the Word and in whatever way He wants to direct your 2022.