
Dear friends, could we take a moment out of our busy lives just to think about Heaven? Can we allow ourselves again the childlike wonder and joy at the thought that we will one day live in a place so wondrous that Jesus did not even attempt to explain it to Nicodemus, a great teacher of Israel?  Instead, Jesus said, “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12) Heaven is just indescribably wonderful.

I am not going to try to give you a detailed picture of Heaven as Billy Graham and others have done in their wonderful books about our future home. Revelations 21 does that beautifully with its descriptions of gates made of pearls, streets of purest gold, a river like crystal, and a foundation studded with every kind of jewel. No, I am having a selfish moment today, and I want to let my mind just dwell for a few minutes on what it will mean to me to live there one day. One day, I will leave this earth and take up residence in Heaven, and thinking about that next phase for me is filling me with peace and joy and excitement that, frankly, I lost temporarily a few years ago.

Like many people, my first commitment to Christ was solely motivated by not wanting to burn in Hell- a valid reason that I still appreciate. I did want to go to Heaven, but that’s when I thought I would be an angel. Once I found out humans did not become angels, I was a little disappointed. Good Bible teaching got rid of lots of wrong notions I had about Heaven, but somewhere in the process, I lost my childlike delight at the thought of taking up residence in Heaven. Mixed in the good teaching I had was almost a guilt trip at ever thinking about the rewards of living in Heaven. I was warned so much about loving Jesus for the rewards of Heaven or the protection from eternal damnation that I began to shy away from ever thinking about what an exquisite home my Father has prepared for me to go to one day and to enjoy with Him.  And that is wrong. I love Jesus just because I love Jesus and because He loved me first so extravagantly that He laid down His life for me. But that does not mean I cannot also be thrilled by what awaits me the second I die.

I have thought of this more lately because I may be moving and have been looking at some beautiful homes that may be my next earthly destination. As I glanced at some really fabulous ones far above my price range, I realized that as stunning as they are, they cannot even be compared with my eternal home. As I reread Revelations 21, it hit me how magnificent my eventual home will be.

Matthew, Luke, and many others tell us to take joy in this reward waiting for us in Heaven. In fact, Luke reminded anyone being persecuted to keep this reward in mind. In Luke 6:23, he says, “Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.” Leap for joy at the thought of Heaven! I can almost feel the embers of my childlike excitement about Heaven being rekindled. If you feel you or your beliefs have been persecuted in recent times, “leap for joy,” “your reward is great in Heaven.”

But to me the most wonderful part of Heaven is being at home with the Father, living day-to-day life with Him, being side-by side, and never having anything separating us for eternity. That closeness is something I yearn for right now, and I can wait because it is a sure and trustworthy promise that I will enjoy for all time. I will live in His house, eat at His table, be able to tell Him face-to-face how much I love Him, and hear from His own lips how much He loves me. I will be able to do this because I will be changed. “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” Hallelujah! I will be changed. I will even have a new name! (Revelations 3:12) I will have a new image because instead of bearing the image of the fallen Adam, I will then bear the image of the man of Heaven Himself! (I Corinthians 49-52) Nothing corrupt or sinful can enter Heaven, so all my struggles against sin will be over.

Philippians 3:20 reiterates that even right now our citizenship is in Heaven, as we wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you ever feel out of place in this world? It is because this is not your home and you are always experiencing deep longing for that land your Father has prepared for you and where your true citizenship lies.

If anything in your life seems daunting or discouraging, do what Jesus did when He wanted to feed a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fish-- look up toward Heaven, your future home. Do what Stephen did that enabled him to ask mercy on the people who were pelting him with stones. Look up to Heaven, where your help comes from now and where you are already a citizen and a much loved child of a loving Father who will one day personally reach out and wipe every tear from your eyes. You do not have to wait to feel the security of having an eternal home; its comfort and joy is yours today to look forward to and delight in as you think about how precious life will be for you one day.

And about those angels—I am no longer envious. Mark 12:25 says that in some ways our relationships in Heaven will be like those of angels. And though while we are in the flesh here on earth, we are a little lower than the angels, one day, our Father will elevate us to a Heavenly position that will mean we can rule over angels, so I am feeling much better about all that. He thinks of everything.  (Hebrew 2:7-9, I Corinthians 6:3)

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