For the next four weeks, you will be treated to posts from some of my favorite people. Each guest blogger will bring something unique to the table. These are some true iron-sharpening-iron friends who strengthen me in the Lord. With these women, I always agree on the majors and can have some lively discussions on the minors when we disagree on theology, so I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. We start with writer Gloria Poage whose bio is at the end of her blog.
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 ESV
Is stillness possible in this world of chaos, busyness, and division? We Christians are on a journey here on earth and, without a doubt, are affected by the demands of it. Our lives are filled with challenges beyond our ability to solve on our own. We need help! Ahh, and help is available.
Within the trustworthy pages of the Bible come the answers that lead to the Source who walks us through every challenge we face.
Being still before the Lord is an absolute necessity if peace and confidence are to enter our very spirit. We must make a conscious decision daily to feast on the Word of God for assurance of victory as we stand in the eye of life’s storms.
Every living person is given 24 hours per day to do with it as they will. The world makes loud demands, but the Lord issues quiet invitations. The world’s way brings confusion and loss, but God’s way bears fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. From Galatians 5:22-23.
Physical food gives us energy for the body that satisfies until we get hungry again. More importantly, spiritual food brings lasting strength, not only for the day but for eternity!
By being still, reading the Word daily, and applying its principles, one day we will hear those awesome words – well done, good and faithful servant. It’s our choice. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one is accepted by the Father except through Him.
Take advantage of this invitation, dear heart, as it brings joy in this world and bliss in Heaven to come.
About Gloria Poage
From early childhood, she loved reading the Bible...the KJV! That developed a love for words that helped equip her for a thirty-four year career at Norfolk Southern Corp. (railroad), where she was given many assignments of writing and proofing.
She has held a variety of offices in the church - one of the most special being a Sunday School teacher for thirty years to ten and eleven-year olds. The teacher learned much!
Her love for the Lord is stronger today than ever in these retirement years, as she continues using her God-given gifts to His glory.