Dear friends, I am sharing with you a Christmas carol I wrote many years ago when my heart was cold to anything that resembled the Christmas spirit. I was a busy single mom, and I just had nothing but a bare heart to offer Him, so I came to Him in the honesty of the words below.


The night is dark

And we’re alone,

Not a sound stirs the night air.

I have finally settled down

And put down daily cares.


I’ve bustled through my week at work,

And made sure shopping’s done.

The only person I’ve overlooked

Is God’s own Holy Son.


Welcome to the manger of my heart.

Welcome to the manger of my heart.

It’s not much to offer you,

But you can change it through and through.

Come, Sweet Jesus, make it new, and

Welcome to the manger of my heart.


The manger where you lay, my Lord,

When you became the Living Word

Didn’t look so good at first.

It had its rough spots, it’d been misused,

And if you want to know the truth,

My heart’s that way and dark as soot.


But if God can choose a manger

For the crib of a King,

Then I know He can take my heart

And do most anything.




So I kneel here in the darkness,

And I offer my heart to you.

If a miracle’s going to happen, Lord,

It’s got to be up to you.

I’m just here on my knees,

And I don’t know where to start,

Except to say, I love you, Lord, and

Welcome to the manger of my heart.




I heard a preacher say long ago,

And I really hope it’s so,

That all it takes to begin again

Is to say “Please, Jesus, enter in,

 and I’m really sorry about all the sin.”

So if it’s that easy to make a new start,

Then I’m coming to you to do my part,

Oh, Lord come down and change me today,

Come on, Lord, I pray…

And welcome to the manger of my heart.





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